Computer Vision is an automated process that extracts, identifies and identifies patterns from digital images. In other words, it transforms unstructured visual data into meaningful information. This technology is used by professionals and non-professionals who are involved in various sectors, such as government, telecommunication, utilities, aerospace, defense, education, etc. Moreover, computer vision software is now being used for various purposes, such as legal, financial, security, transportation, communication, health and environment, etc.
The advantages of this technology, when compared to other traditional ways of collecting data, include lessened time taken for the process, accuracy in identifying objects, and higher response time.
Computer Vision captures any image and its variations from a set of defined norms. Once a location is detected, Computer Vision allows its intelligence to further understand the composition of the surrounding objects and it can distinguish the difference between pedestrians and vehicles.
Attention to the entire scene helps the intelligence capture details, including the color and the shape of vehicles, license plates, signboards, storefronts, garbage cans and anything that cannot be seen in the images, is automatically searched to help law enforcement identify, track and ultimately, apprehend the perpetrators.
Law enforcement must constantly identify, monitor and respond to criminal threats and criminal behaviors such as violent crime, drug trafficking and many others. However, it is an extremely challenging task. Law enforcement is operating in a world of high complexity with a plethora of data which is becoming larger and larger with every passing day.
With the advent of Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence, law enforcement is getting a powerful tool that helps them to reduce response time and increase efficiency. Many law enforcement agencies are using Computer Vision to identify and analyze patterns, behaviors, drivers and others.
It is important to note that Police will not disclose the specific technologies being used in an incident, in order to protect the integrity of any ongoing investigation, the way they perform their duties, and also to keep the public informed about the latest trends in the field of technology and its application in the field of Law Enforcement.